Are you curious about how to become a customer or how Sajnat works? Here you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Getting started

We believe that those who want to sign contracts are not interested in paying for services that are not used. If you want video messaging, sales rooms and hubs, we are not the right choice. However, if you want a service designed for those who want to sign in a simple way, you should choose Sajnat.

Either with e-ID (BankID) or without.

Without e-ID verifies using the recipient’s email.

As safe as it can be!

All data sent between the user and our servers is encrypted SHA-256 with RSA encryption, and sensitive data such as personal data is encrypted using OpenSSL with the AES-256-CBC algorithm.

Technically? Quite!
Are you sure? Of course!

And the documents? They are sealed, time-stamped and archived for long-term storage in accordance with the PAdES standard with an EU-approved certificate. So even on that, you can rest easy.

Absolutely! Just as binding as a traditional signature on a piece of paper or a verbal agreement. But now it is easier to get both signed and archived!

And if you’re curious about the fine print, each signed document is sealed and time-stamped according to the PAdES standard with an EU-approved certificate.

This means that changes to the document can be detected very easily, that you can independently validate the authenticity of the document and that the document is enabled for long-term archiving. So don’t worry about the roof! The documents are valid in the future and you can easily open the document in a PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat to verify the information. Or use our own validator here.

Create an account here and watch the video below to see how to send your first contract.



99 per month if you pay for a whole year.
If you prefer to pay monthly, it costs €149 per month.

Simple! 99 per user.

BankID costs €5 per signature. This means that if you and one other person sign, it costs €10.


PDF and Word documents.
To make sure the contract looks exactly the same everywhere, we always recommend PDF.

Of course!

Upload the contract here and you will receive an immediate response if anything has changed since it was signed.

Of course! This is an important function in e.g. financial statements where the auditor should sign last of all. Watch this video to see how easy it is.